Saturday, April 19, 2008

Welcome spring!!!

Wow, its been awhile since I posted here......this wonderful spring weather has drawn me out of doors for much of the time!!! I managed to rake up all those leaves that fell so late last year and then the snow came so fast and covered them all up!!! What a wet mess!!! Cleaned out the feeders and refilled them, also scrubbed the bird baths and filled those feathered friends are very happy now!!! Can I claim them as dependents on my income taxes and take a deduction??????

My sewing machine went into overload and had to go in for repairs, but she is back now and I am starting to lay things out for new creations. Its so good to see her back in her special place!!! Am also venturing into some altered art projects, a new area for me, and it is a lot of fun!!! I found some new jewelry findings to make brooches, so am messing around with that too. Check out my etsy shop for Mother's Day gifts and SALE items..... sometimes there is just not enough hours in the day......that's why I am up most nights!!!

Daffodills are blooming and the lawn is starting to green up here in upstate New York, and it is a welcome sight after such a long, cold winter. Hope you are enjoying spring time where ever you live and may God bless you on this day....thanks for visiting!!!!

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